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Members Only Book Club Meeting - Belly of the Beast: The Politics of Anti-Fatness as Anti-Blackness

  • 30 Nov 2023
  • 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
  • Virtual


  • This event is for ASDAH members only— you must login in order to register.

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Graphic with black background and white and teal text cascading down the left which says: Members Only Book Club Meeting: Belly of The Beast The Politics of Anti-Fatness as Anti-Blackness. With Special Guest Appearance by Author Da'Shaun L. Harrison. 1 Continuing Education Credit Available with CDR and APA. 30 November 2023 12-1:30pm ET. asdah.org/events. Headshot of Da'Shaun on the right hand side, they are looking over their right shoulder, gently clasping one of their locs, while wearing gold jewelry and a brown velour head covering.

Members only book club meeting - belly of the Beast: the politics of anti-fatness as anti-blackness

Belly of the Beast: The Politics of Anti-Fatness As Anti-Blackness, the 2022 Lambda Literary Award Winner for Transgender Nonfiction, is a foundational text for the work that ASDAH does and is essential reading for any provider who claims or wants to be Health at Every Size®-aligned. In the book Harrison discusses the limitations of self-love and body positivity, the incongruity of “health” and “healthiness”, hyper-policing & carcerality, and the discrimination, abuse, condescension, and trauma that the Black fat faces within the medical industrial complex and under other other systems of oppression.

In the forward of the text, Kiese Laymon writes, “Many will wonder about the rhetorical dexterity necessary to pull off such generative, and really luscious, theorizing. Folks will write about how Harrison welcomes us into the mushy procreant spaces beyond self-love, beyond health, beyond desirability, beyond human, beyond gender, and beyond abolition. Readers will talk about how Harrison names what is on the other side of, and within, all of these designations, as they invite us into the glorious stank of radical revision…most will remember the book’s tenderness, its pleasurable rigor and its fat Black plea to demolish normal as we know it…I am a fat Black and I’d like to help Da’Shaun Harrison destroy our worlds. I know you will too.

During this members-only book club meeting with a special guest appearance by Harrison, we will process and unpack all that we have read while also visioning what’s next for how we nurture and care for each other, particularly the Black fat and those who are deeply impacted by medical anti-fatness. There will be time for members to connect and to be in discussion with Harrison. You don’t want to miss this!

If you are not a member of ASDAH yet, you should be! You will get to participate in exclusive members only events such as this and earn up to a possible 6 continuing education credits in a year. Become a member today!


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This event will be recorded (both audio and visual). By registering for this event, you consent to this recording. The recording will be available to all members (no need to register to access the recording) after the presentation has ended and may be made available to the general public.

Closed Captioning & Translated Captions

Automatic captioning including translation into over 20 languages including Spanish and French will be available.

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This event will require you to use Zoom. Please download any needed applications and check system requirements prior to the event.


The Association for Size Diversity and Health (ASDAH) is committed to the practice of Health at Every Size® (HAES®) principles

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